Wednesday, December 1, 2010

MO-TI-VATE (verb) -- to stimulate towards action

Ahhhh -- what motivates you?  I asked myself this question during my early morning workout today.  So many things really.  Just depends where I am in my journey when I come upon just the right anecdote to propel me and keep me focused, while continuing to move forward.

The past twelve weeks have been quite a challenge for me.  Averaging 1,700 calories per day, I have logged every morsel that passes my lips; I have increased my exercise to two times per day, every single day; I have weighed and measured and measured and weighed every which way but upside down.  Probably tried that too actually.  In any case, I have not lost an ounce nor an inch.  I have tried so hard. At my annual physical I discussed my concern with my doctor, thinking maybe I had a problematic thyroid.  Tests run, and thankfully, it's not a medical issue. So, what to do?  How have I kept myself motivated during this, the longest plateau ever?  Here are a few things that have helped me remain motivated over the past twelve weeks.

Funny, I have a new friend and she's long distance.  I won't name names because I've made so many new, long distance friends.  Let's just say, she's a member of the Old Sames book club.  She has been a wonderful motivator for me.  She's been working hard to keep her girlish figure as long as she can remember.  She's dealing with a plateau herself and at times becomes very discouraged.  When I need someone to let me vent, I know I can shoot her an email and she will reply with just the motivational boost I need to stay focused.  When she says --- Val, you help keep me inspired --- that gives me all the boost I need!

The Biggest Loser has become my saving grace!  I thoroughly enjoy the show and it truly inspires me.  Even though I have to watch it with Sham-Wow in hand each and every week, I love it!  Often times if I'm having trouble getting through one of my workouts (which is nothing compared to Bob & Jillian), I count my lucky stars Bob and Jillian aren't there, in my face, and I continue on!

Believe it or not, sometimes I motivate myself.  Generally this will happen with a new workout or a new recipe.  I thoroughly enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.  It may be attempting a "raw" food or a vegetarian meal, but more often it's just a new dish.  Sometimes it's just setting a goal and reaching it. 

I love success stories.  There's really no better motivator, don't you think?  For me success stories are just that.  They do not have to be weight loss success, they can be success in any regard.  Success is such a big word, it can be in your relationships, your job, winning a health battle, or even receiving a smile from someone.  I have a special someone in my life who is frequently out and about with her daughter.  They play a game.  They seek out people who appear to have trouble sharing a smile.  If they can get that individual to smile, then they have achieved success!  Isn't that cool?  They have made some wonderful friendships this way.  Success simply means you've achieved something you've worked hard for.  It means you believed you could do it!  And THAT is what has helped me stay motivated over the past twelve weeks.  Believing as long as I continue what I'm doing, I will achieve my goal.  The Little Engine That Could said "I THINK I can", I say "I KNOW I can, I KNOW I can, I KNOW I can!"

P. S.  I am happy to report that what really motivated me this morning was being able to fit into my jeans that I couldn't fit into at the beginning of November -- WOO-HOOO!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Good Things Come In Small Packages

How many times have you said that?

As I travel this journey I call life, some of the most wonderful things that have happened to me came in a small package.  It may not have been a traditionally wrapped package with pretty paper, ribbon and a big bow, but truly a gift I would cherish.

My life is abundant.  There are so many nice things I've received in my life, it's hard to pick just one to gush about.  Many years ago (twenty to be exact), a very special person gave me a gift of love from the heart.  She was always wanting to give me something so badly -- something I would treasure like a jewel.  The BFF had very little money and certainly didn't need to spend a wooden nickel on me.  The love she always shares with me from her heart is the greatest gift of all. 

As we shared coffee and conversation, she handed me a gift bag so small, one could say it was delicate.  She pushed it gently across the table and with a slightly embarrassed tone in her voice, she said, "Thank you so much for everything, Val.  I wish I could give you more."  I squealed with delight at the tiny, glitter covered gift bag!  As I gently removed the tissue paper, a one inch by one inch square box peeked through.  Beautifully wrapped with a satin ribbon and a cluster of satin bows.  Attached to the most beautiful box I had ever seen was a note card, so small, so delicate that read: 

Whenever you are lonely, or even feeling blue,
You only have to hold this gift, and know I think of you.
You never can unwrap it, please leave the ribbon tied,
Just hold the box close to your heart, it's filled with love inside.

Ahhhh!  Such a treasure in such a small package.  One that sits in my curio cabinet amidst my fancy shmansy collectibles.  I cherish this small box and dust it with love and care for it just as if it were a piece of fine crystal.  I'm always grateful it's not glass, I never have to worry about breaking it.  It happens to be my most cherished gift in my cabinet.  Surprised?

You're probably wondering what this has to do with Believers are Losers.  Everything!  It has everything to do with it if you take a moment and think about it.

By adding just five minutes to each of your exercise sessions, imagine the impact of that small (yet achievable) package.  Five minutes is hardly noticeable -- except on your waistline.  Good thing, small package!

You jump on the scale just knowing you shed at least 3 ell bees this week (I like the sound of ell bees, it makes me smile).  Dang it!  Only 1.5 ell bees.  Great progress in a small package!  Movin' in the losin' direction!  Good thing, small package!

If you're craving a burger but you just love cheese on it, could you be just as satisfied with a "smaller package" by adding other favorite, flavorful toppings and hold the cheese?  The sense of pride you get when you do this just supersized that package!

Good things that come in small packages are immeasurable, except in weight management.  The small packages you unselfishly treat yourself to show up on the scale, the measuring tape and the sense of pride you feel that make you wanna kick up your heals!

It's true!  Good things come in small packages -- what's in yours?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Pocket Full of Sunshine

When you read the title, did it make you feel good?  Did you get an instant visual in your mind?  Did you smile from head to toe or grin from ear to ear?  Did it make you want to kick up your heels -- just to see if you could? Did it make you want to whistle a happy tune?

It's astounding how so few words can make all those good feelings POP!  It's funny, I'm always looking for uplifting quotes.  This one today just struck a chord.  I've repeated it over and over in my mind so many times since I read it early this morning.  That said, I'm having the best day ever!  Most days are great days for me, but today is remarkable.  I know it's the quote.  I've repeated it to myself so many times, my self talk is trying to press the STOP button, or at the very least, Pause! Positive thoughts make you want to do all the right things and make all the right choices all day long -- and often carry on to the next day.  They can make you feel so good that you want to reach out and share them with others who might need a boost. 

One of the questions on the Discussion Board of the Facebook group, Believers are Losers,  was "what do you do non-caloric to get yourself through a period in the day when you need a pick me up?"  Today, I found a new answer, thank goodness, otherwise all that self talk would have been such a waste!  Next time I need a pick me up that is no calorie, fat-free, and sugar-free, I'm going to reach out and share my pocket full of sunshine.  Ironically, I'll be making someone else feel good while I'm believing I'm a loser!